Our Approach – Engineering your success
Every business has its specific advantages, ressources, circumstances and challenges. We make use of our experience and professional competences to understand each one of our client’s specific intentions and proceed to design how they can be fulfilled most efficiently, to generate the best value.
This includes telling things as they are and proposing what is possible based on our experience, regardless of the popularity of our opinion. For the best interest of our clients, we constantly strive to be an honest and trusted advisor as well as a responsible project manager ready to implement the recommendations we make.
After an assessment of a client’s needs and intentions, we put together a proposal, including objectives, clear deliverables and all identifiable costs, execution timelines as well as the profiles of the designated experts who will run the project.
We believe in building a respectful relationship with our clients and we are prepared to assume responsibility, as if the client’s company was our own.
We do so with respect to minimizing information transfer, risks, use of resources, and costs.
We are confident that this approach delivers value for all our interventions and ensures the best safeguard of our clients’ interests.
Our in-house teams work hand-in-hand to provide:

Your China Integrated Service Factory

Executive Search is conducted in partnership with Alexander Hughes
China Integrated is an all-in-one advisory and project management firm with a structure and range of services allowing the in-house integration of all competences, non-core to our clients, but critical to plan, establish, develop and successfully run a business in China.
Market Intelligence, Executive Visits & Strategy
Getting a sound assessment of the market, competitors and business environment is the first step to a successful development. Our network allows us to obtain the critical information needed, to provide solutions to acquire and develop sales, along with optimizing purchases:
- Product analysis, suppliers search, assessment & selection
- Quality control, purchasing, and supplier handling
- Contact with industry associations & government agencies
- Identification & assessment of clients, agents, distributors
- Research on competitors, Joint-Venture partners & acquisition targets
- Executive visits to meet potential partners for a direct market understanding and assesment of partners, also digitally
- Development of an optimal, overall strategy, fitting with market specificities and our client’s particular circumstances and objectives

Strategy implementation, Business & Project Plans
Market intelligence and experience allow us to support the creation of our client’s China strategy and business plan at all stages of their development.
- Assessment of potential risks (in likelihood and severity)
- Regulatory review and optimization of legal elements
- Strategy implementation options and facilitation of decision (eg. selecting a partner among candidates or a local government)
- Comprehensive business plan and concept development
- Full location evaluation & selection
- Financial evaluations over 3-5 years: investment, cash, profit & loss
- Action plans & detailed timing for the business set-up
Joint-Venture & Acquisition
As a short-cut to bigger market shares, the success of an M&A depends systematically identifying the most suitable partner, a strong legal basis, in-depth negotiations and due diligence. Our integrated company structure and in-house competences allows an optimal outcome at each step.
- Joint-Venture or acquisition target search & assessment
- Negotiations & due dilligene (legal, financial, HR, market, IT)
- Share purchase contracts, shareholders’ licensing and other agreements
- JV set-up or Acquisition change management

Integrated Subsidiary Set Up
With a good business concept, the success of a subsidiary depends on project execution. Our own hands-on operational experience provides the required ability.
- Trademarks and other IP registration
- Premises search & selection (workshops for rent, land for construction)
- Legal incorporation of wholly owned subsidiary, branch, representative office
- Managers search, assessment & hiring
- Full physical set-up management & supervision (Office or workshop interior installation, factory construction)
- Comprehensive financial set-up & risk management
- IP & know-how protection measures
- IT & ERP systems definition and installation
- Admin & management systems set-up
- Launch PR & inauguration ceremony
Management & Back-Office Support
Operational excellence is the neessary target of a firm’s development. Our decades of experience have allowed us to develop best practices for operational excellence and efficiency.
- Accounting & company financial maintenance
- Payroll & Human Ressources management
- Company secretary, safekeeping of stamps & legal instruments
- Compliance with local regulations (legal, financial & regulatory retainer)
- IT maintenance & management
- Part-time CFO, internal audits
- Part-time CEO, management coaching
- Ongoing development of strategy at Board level,
- External Board & Supervisory Board membership

Conflict Management & Resolution
Old partnerships may not stand changing circumstances. As China evolves, its environment grows in complexity, cultural differences increases and so does the potential for conflicts. Successful conflict management in China requires a comprehensive approach, beyond legal aspects.
- Conflict management strategy throughout legal, business, relationships and diplomatic aspects
- Collection of information & evidence
- Legal strategy and legal case management
- Negotiations and resolutions agreements
- Closing of operations & legal entities